Eat, cook, share, travel...
“Ama Ur Cooking Studio” is the result of 25 years of experiences as a chef. The moment of enjoying and sharing the knowledge, having fun cooking together, with a gentle, coherent rhythm. Learning at Grandma´s and Friend´s houses, at street stalls, Michelin star restaurants, neighborhood bars, cooking schools and luxury hotels around the World. Euskadi, Spain, Japan, Perú, India, Thailand, Morocco, Vietnam…Discovering their ingredients, techniques and traditional dishes is a huge pleasure for all our senses. My intention is to value different Traditional Gastronomic Cultures, sharing the act of cooking in small groups, with personalized attention. Enjoying, having fun and learning to be able to offer new recipes to our loved ones.

After studying at San Sebastián Cooking School and learning how to cook at different prestigious Basque establishments like Arzak, Alameda and Maria Cristina Hotel, I moved to Barcelona where I worked for several years at Hotel Arts. My desire for travel took me to the Moto GP Championship with the Honda team, traveling and cooking for the team in a truck on the road around Europe. I have worked in countries like India, Thailand, Perú and Japan and cooked at Sea, on a yacht, crossing the Mediterranean. I have been working as a teacher at Aiala School of Karlos Argiñano, for the TV programme Master Chef Junior and creating recipes at the Laboratory of the Basque Culinary Center´s Research and Development Department.
My Path
Press and Blogs
Basque Traditional Cooking, Gastronomic Societies for BBC, Donal Shekan (from 7:20m)
Article in "La Vanguardia" about collaboration with ecologist platforms.
Article in digital press about how to teach kids to cook, Masterchef Junior experience.
Article in "Clarín", Argentina, about Basque Gastronomic events in Buenos Aires.
Article about collaboration with Slow Food Barcelona and Terra Madre.
Enriching collaborations with creative professionals, whose great effort and passion take their companies onto extraordinary levels. Mila esker Mala Gissona, Santa Rita Experience, Miandku, Aitzol Zugasti.